Lee Oululani Plevney

My artistic practice engages the Hawaiian Islands—its landscape, sea life, animals and people—as I explore my heritage and deep connection to my ohana, my family, through clay. I seek to reflect the beauty and mystery of the ocean and sea life surrounding Maui and the open spirit of aloha permeating the culture.

I begin by throwing porcelain and white stoneware to create a vessel. I move to hand-building which informs the shape and story of the piece transforming it into its final form as a bowl, vase or platter. I develop my own glazes to capture the rich blues and greens of the island then fire two or three time to build depth and complexity. When complete, each piece “talks story” about the Hawaiian world I experience.

I call Maui my home but I started out in San Francisco where my mother, an indigenous Hawaiian, moved before I was born. She infused me, and my eight brothers and sisters, with her artistic style which I first expressed in my skill as a finish carpenter. My transition to ceramics began in 2007 when I immersed myself in studies under Richard McCoy, Jim Valentine, Jeff Vick, David Camden, Tom Coleman, Robert Briscoe and Steven Hill. I continue to learn everyday in my studio as I stretch the boundaries of what clay can do to capture the beauty of Maui.

GALLERY NOTE: Each of Lee’s pieces is one-of-a-kind! After you place your order, we will email you images of in-stock options. To see images of available works prior to purchase, please email [email protected].

See something in our galleries not shown here? Please email us at [email protected].


Sea Platter Sculpture in Teals by Lee Oululani Plevney - Example

Sea Platter Ceramic Sculpture – Teals

Whale Tail Vase by Lee Oululani Plevney - Small Example

Whale Tail Vase

Clock by Lee Plevney - Deep Turquoise

Sea Clock

Sea Tray by Lee Plevney - Rectangular - Side View

Sea Tray Ceramic Sculpture

Wall Pocket Vase by Lee Oululani Plevney - Example

Wall Pocket Vase

Surfboard Sculpture with Sea Turtles by Lee Oululani Plevney. Ocean-inspired ceramic art handmade on Maui, Hawaii.

Ceramic Surfboard Sculpture with Honu Sea Turtles Made in Hawaii

Sea Shell Bowl by Lee Oululani Plevney. Ocean-inspired ceramic art handmade on Maui, Hawaii.

Sea Shell Bowl

Lava Tube Vase by Lee Oululani Plevney. Ocean-inspired ceramic art handmade on Maui, Hawaii.

Lava Tube Vase

He'e - Octopus Vase by Lee Oululani Plevney. Ocean-inspired ceramic art handmade on Maui, Hawaii.

Octopus / He’e Vase

Honu - Sea Turtle Vase by Lee Oululani Plevney. Ocean-inspired ceramic art handmade on Maui, Hawaii.

Sea Turtle / Honu Vase

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