Patrick Kramer
Patrick Kramer is a wood turner and sculptor. The sculptural possibilities of woodturning with contemporary organic forms have been his present focus. His work includes sculptures, bowls, boxes, and hollow vessels. Pieces are exhibited in a number of galleries and range from traditional Hawaiian forms to contemporary studio work. With a background in pottery, boat building, furniture making, constructed boxes, and engineering, Patrick has worked with wood since 1958. He returned to a woodturning in 1986 after deciding that it offered new freedom in shape and form and was not bound by the disciplines of fabrication techniques.
He says, “Woodturning is a pure form of woodworking for me. It focuses on form and shape and it is organic in nature. It is a way to voice my sensibilities for wood and allows me to demonstrate multiple perspectives and alternate realities through my work… I am aware of a continuously evolving dialogue between myself, the wood, and the pieces I am working on. The work is constantly reinventing itself and the only constant is a context for is creating form, mood, color, and texture. This is a relationship where the maker cannot ignore the qualities of the medium.”
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Select Awards:
- Hawai’i Woodshow, First Place in Woodturning 2010 / 2009 / 2007 / 2005 / 1997
- Hawai’i Woodshow, Best of Show 2004
- Hawai’i Craftsmen Statewide Annual Juried Show, Award of Excellence 2004
- Hawai’I Craftsmen Statewide Annual Juried Show, George Ellis Award of Excellence 2009