Our ongoing Artist-In-Residence program provides regular opportunities to meet some of the talented artists Maui Hands is fortunate to represent, as well as observe their artistic processes and just “talk story.” We invite visitors and locals alike to learn more about Maui’s vibrant artistic community!

Hyatt, Kā’anapali

Ariel Quiroz, Oil Painting ~ Wednesdays, May 5 / 12 / 19 / 26, 11am-2pm


Ellen Friel, Oil Painting ~ Fridays, May 7 / 14 / 21 / 28, 12-3pm


Yong Rhee, Ceramics ~ Saturdays, May 8 / 15 / 22 / 29, 11am-2pm


Dee Chapon, Natural Fiber Mixed Media ~ Friday, May 7, and Saturday, May 15, 1-4pm


Yong Rhee

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